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Eye Health

A normal eye is shaped like a ball. 

The cornea is a transparent structure found in the very front of the eye that helps to focus incoming light. Situated behind the pupil is a colorless, transparent structure called the crystalline lens which focuses the light on the retina at the back of the eye. The retina is the delicate innermost layer of tissue that lines the eye. It contains layers of light receiving cells called photoreceptors that are connected to the brain by the optic nerve.

If you think of the eye as a camera, the retina is the film on which images are recorded and the macula is the small, central part of the retina. The macula is very important and is responsible for what we see straight in front of us. It allows us to see fine detail for activities such as reading and writing, as well as giving us our ability to see colour.


Anatomy of the eye image


Checking your vision 

Regular eye checks with your Optician will pick up signs of most diseases so please do make sure that you keep up with your appointments, whatever your age. 

Many people attend the Eye Casualty unit in Southampton because of accidents in the home (canes securing plants in the garden, not wearing goggles for household tasks using drills etc.).  Please ensure that you protect yourself from these dangers by wearing goggles.

If you think you have distortion in your sight, please check by using the Amsler grid below. The grid on the left shows normal vision, the grid on the right shows vision when AMD is present. Cover one eye at a time and look straight at the black dot in the centre of the first grid. If any of the lines look wobbly or disappear, similar to the second grid, it is important you see an optician quickly as any visual problem needs to be addressed urgently.

Amsler Grid to test AMD

Support Groups

If you have an eye condition, there are a number of excellent support groups who may be able to offer you help and advice, which can be invaluable to every day life. Here are some of the support groups we work with on a regular basis: 

Macular Society 

Nystagmus Network

Esme's Umbrella - Charles Bonnet Syndrome

Stargardts Connected 

Open Sight 

Southampton Sight